Statute Law Society | Legislation and the Constitution: Renton 50 Years On
27 Feb 2025
The Statute Law Society will hold a conference at the Houses of Parliament on 6 June 2025, marking the 50th anniversary of the Renton Report. The conference will consider current drafting and interpretation of legislation in light of the Renton report and the significant changes in the UK constitution and public law over the last 50 years.
The Renton report, The Preparation of Legislation, Cmnd. 6053 was prepared by a committee chaired by The Rt Hon. Sir David (later Lord) Renton and was published in May 1975. It has had a major impact on all aspects of legislation both in the UK and other common law systems.
The conference will include contributions from Lord Sales and Lord Burrows, Justices of the UK Supreme Court. In addition, on the evening before the conference (Thursday June 5 2025) Professor Jeremy Waldron will give a distinguished lecture launching the conference.
• For more information about the conference and Professor Waldron’s lecture, go to
• Online registration is now available at discounted rates. The rates increase from March 1, 2025
• Members of the Society are able to purchase tickets for the conference at a significantly reduced rate.
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