The Inn operates a ‘Mixed Waste Recycling’ scheme (the MWR) and this is currently arranged through Hawkins & Scott. Under this arrangement, the following items can all be disposed of in the same bags:
- Paper
- Cardboard
- Plastic bottles
- Tin cans
This is collected and transported to a waste recycling centre where it is then profesionally sorted.
All of our administrative offices and central facilities, such as our Hall and main kitchen, have special bins into which waste products are put for recycling. All members of staff are encouraged to participate in recycling.
The Inn’s residents are provided with waste recycling bags free of charge. Barristers’ Chambers pay for the bags but any ‘white’ paper is collected from them and recycled free of charge.
The Inn arranges for waste to be collected from all of our buildings early each morning, six days per week.
In addition to the above services, special arrangements can be made throuigh the Estates Office for the destruction and disposal of confidential waste and the disposal of bulky items such as furniture. A charge may be made for this service.
Where items come within the Waste Electrical Equipment Regulations or substances which come within the COSHH Regulations and the Risk Assessment requires that special disposal arrangements should b e made, this is also arranged through Hawkins & Scott. Again, a charge may be made for providing this service
The Inn has a Duty of Care: Waste Transfer Note, which is registered with the Environment Agency through Hawkins & Scott, our SIC code (2007) is 85422.
Wherever possible any waste generated from our gardens is composted and then re-used in the gardens.
The implementation of the above MWR arrangements has meant that in the past few years, the number of times the Inn has had to hire skips for waste disposal has reduced quite significantly.