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Inn Costs during Qualification

From Admission to Call to the Bar
The following costs apply to both students and transferring lawyers.

Administrative fees

  • Admission fee: £178*
  • Call fee: £130*

See also: Admission and Call fees payment policy

* These fees are reviewed annually and changes to the fee apply from January each year.

Qualifying Session tickets

  • ordinarily pre-Call or "student" members are charged subsidised rates for tickets to events which take place at the Inn. The cost for the majority of events ranges from £8 to £21, with a small number of grander events costing £40+.**
  • a number of events will be provided online at a cost of £8 per ticket.**
  • the cost for residential advocacy training weekends (limited places) is £120 (this includes 2 nights accommodation and all meals).**

 ** Ticket prices are reviewed annually and changes applied from August each year.

Overview of all Inn Costs
including those related to Call to the Bar