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Academic Fellowship

Academic Fellowship 

To help foster a closer relationship between the practising Bar and academia, Middle Temple is looking to grant Fellowship to Academics who meet the following criteria: 

  • The individual is pursuing research on a subject where being formally associated with the Middle Temple will be mutually beneficial; 

  • The individual is an expert in a subject where being formally associated with the Middle Temple will be mutually beneficial; 

  • The individual is of distinction in his or her field but but still fairly junior having completed their phD within the last five years.



It shall be for Master Treasurer and the Under Treasurer to agree with each Academic Fellow the specific obligations which attach to their appointment. Should they fail to perform their agreed obligations then Master Treasurer shall have discretion to warn the Academic Fellow and, if necessary, terminate their fellowship. 

Notwithstanding the above, every Academic Fellow will be expected to undertake at least the following: 

  • Give one talk or lecture at the Inn or on behalf of the Inn externally, or write a moot problem. 

  • Attend at least two sessions a year at events where students are present; 

  • Write an article each year for The Middle Templar 

Individuals who wish to be considered should apply by letter to Master Treasurer, accompanied by a CV (care of Richard Frost, ).  The letter should set out 

  • Why the applicant wishes to be an Academic Fellow of Middle Temple and what they hope to gain from the relationship; 

  • Why, in their view, it would be of benefit to Middle Temple for them to be appointed as an Academic Fellow; 

  • How they expect the affiliation to be beneficial to themselves and Middle Temple 

  • Evidence of their distinction in their chosen field 

  • The names of 2 referees who would support their application 


Benefits of Fellowship 

  • No Academic Fellow shall be paid for the role but will be entitled to describe themselves as “An Academic Fellow of the Middle Temple” 

  • Academic Fellows shall receive free membership of Middle Temple if not yet a member. 

  • Academic Fellows shall be entitled to free use of the Library; 

  • Academic Fellows shall be entitled to eat lunch in the Inn at High Table, should they so wish; 

  • To dine at High Table at Dining Events, pending the permission of Master Treasurer 


The closing date for Applications is 12 July 2024. Applicants can expect to hear from the Inn within 8 weeks of submitting their application. 

Appointments are made by a panel consisting of Master Treasurer, Master Deputy Treasurer and two Benchers of Middle Temple. 

Appointments are made for a 5 year term before review to ensure the relationship is still mutually beneficial.



In addition to the application process outlined above, members of the Inn may nominate Academic Fellows. 

Any bencher or member of the Inn may write to Master Treasurer (care of Richard Frost, ) proposing that an individual, who is a Middle Templar or who has no affiliation to any other inn, be invited to be an Academic Fellow.  The proposer shall set out the reasons for appointing the individual (and indicate any other members of the Inn who are in support).