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Library Services

The Library offers its members a wide range of services, including computer and copying facilities, document delivery, iPads, legal reference, legal research training, loans (overnight and one week) and webinars.


Computer Facilities

There are computer terminals located on each floor. No booking or log-in is required. Monitors are large screen touch monitors. All terminals are equipped with Internet access and Microsoft Office. USB memory sticks can be purchased at the Enquiry Desk. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the Library. Login details are available at the Enquiry Desk. Headphones and chargers can be borrowed free-of-charge at the Enquiry Desk.



Photocopying and printing facilities are available in the Library at a cost of 10p per page, black and white and 20p per page for colour with 50% discount for students, on the production of a valid student ID card. Scanning facilities are also available at cost of 5p per page for all users. An account can be created with staff at the Enquiry Desk.


Document Delivery

This service provides members with articles, law reports and extracts from books and other materials. A charge is made for this service. Conditional access is available to non-members. See the Document Delivery page for further information.


Ebooks and iPads

The Library has two iPads which may be borrowed by all Inns of Court members at a charge of £1 per day, £5 for a week. Both iPads have the White Book and a range of other e-books uploaded, including Archbold and Blackstone's Criminal Practice and many more. An iPad may be borrowed for a week at a time with one renewal of five days allowed. If an iPad has been requested by another member it may not be renewed. After the maximum loan period has been reach an iPad must be returned to the Library and seen by staff (to update etc.), and once checked, unless it had been reserved by another member, it may then be borrowed again according to the same policy above. An iPad may be reserved in advance for a particular time period– please speak to a member of staff at the Enquiry Desk.


Enquiry Desk

A team of specialist legal librarians are always on hand at the Enquiry Desk to help with your enquiries, and provide assistance in locating items, setting up printing accounts and using the electronic sources.


Library Tours

The Library can offer tours to new members and those unfamiliar with the layout of the library, as well as training in legal research techniques, including the use of electronic resources. Please contact us for further details.



Members of all four Inns may borrow current textbooks overnight. Books can be borrowed one hour before closing time and must be returned the following working day by 10.00 am. The book must be signed out at the Enquiry Desk with a member of staff. An iPad loaded with e-books may also be borrowed (see above). We also offer a range of books on four week loans. These are indicated with orange labels. This privilege can be revoked at any time.


Weekend Access

For weekend access please refer to our Saturday rota.