MTYBA 2025 Committee Elections

Dear MTYBA Members,
MTYBA will hold its Election of Officers on Tuesday 1 April 2025, at 18:00. This is your opportunity to stand for election and contribute to the future of MTYBA or to vote for those who will represent you.
Key Information
• Term of office: 1 April 2025 – 31 March 2026
• Eligibility: MTYBA membership starts at Call to the Bar by Middle Temple and continues through to the later of seven years post-Call or seven years post-pupillage. Any MTYBA member may stand and vote.
• Candidates may stand for no more than two positions.
• Voting: Takes place via email / poll with candidate summaries to be emailed out for each of the contested positions.
Election Timetable
• Wednesday, 19 March: Registration opens
• Wednesday, 26 March (23:59): Registration closes & electronic voting opens
• Wednesday, 1 April (18:00): Electronic voting closes.
How to Stand for Election
To stand, please email the following details to the Elections Officer at by 23:59 on Wednesday 26 March:
• Full name
• Email address
• Middle Temple membership number
• Year of Call
• List of positions standing for (max 2)
• Short biography (max 200 words)
How to Vote
• Look out for an email with the ballot on 26/27 March 2025.
• Vote via electronic poll by submitting your electronic ballot before 1 April 2025.
Offices Being Contested
• President
• Vice-President
• Treasurer
• Secretary
• Social Secretary
• Communications Officer
• Tenancy Officer
• Employed Bar Representative
• Pupillage Officer
• Pre-Pupillage Officer
• Advocacy Officer
• Diversity and Inclusion Officer
• Northern Circuit Chair
• Welsh Circuit Representative
• Western Circuit Representative
• North Eastern Circuit Representative
Description of MTYBA committee office/roles:
To oversee the overall running of MTYBA, and to represent MTYBA within the Inn and at wider events along with the Vice-President. You will be expected to sit on Middle Temple Committees in accordance with the Inn’s statutes and at the request of other members of the Inn, oversee all events, think up and start new initiatives, take on new initiatives, be responsible for the MTYBA budget, and represent MTYBA throughout the Inn. To stand for President you need to have served on the MTYBA committee for one year, or be proposed and seconded by two outgoing committee members.
To support the President in the running of MTYBA and deputise for the President as required. It is the Vice President’s responsibility to ensure that the MTYBA constitution is being adhered to and to oversee any constitutional amendments. The Vice President will take on some of the responsibilities of the President as agreed by the committee, including sitting on Inn committees and representing the interests of MTYBA’s members.
To record all incoming and outgoings on behalf of MTYBA and assist with the budget preparation. The Treasurer is responsible for producing MTYBA’s accounts at the end of each year.
The Secretary is responsible for organising MTYBA committee meetings, including room booking and preparation of the agenda, and for taking and circulating the minutes of those meetings and to assist with editing the website and other such tasks as agreed at committee meetings.
Social Secretary
The Social Secretary will be responsible for organising several social events in the calendar year, liaising with, and in support of, other post-holders. The main social events in the MTYBA calendar on which the Social Secretary will lead are the Summer and Christmas Parties.
Communications Officer
The role involves three main parts. First, controlling the email address and advertising all MTYBA events. Second, increasing and developing the membership of MTYBA. Third, maintaining MTYBAs presence on social media
Tenancy Officer
To provide support for and represent the interests of tenants in their first 7 years of practice. This officer is required to organise events which are of relevance to tenants (and the wider MTYBA membership), including social events and supplementary training, and take the lead on CPD/educational events. The Tenancy Officer also administers MTYBA's Practice Development Grant. They will be responsible for moving forward the Practical Skills events and our Expand Your Practice Series with the support of the committee.
Employed Bar Representative
As well as being responsible for representing the interests of MTYBA’s employed members the Employed Bar Representative also aims to strengthen links with the self-employed Bar and promote the profile of the employed Bar within the junior end of the profession. This role should work closely with the Tenancy Officer to organise events of interest to those in practice. The role entails as a minimum organising one event a year for those who are at the employed bar and one to assist those who are seeking opportunities at the employed bar.
Pupillage Officer
To provide a link for pupils to MTYBA. This officer is required to organise MTYBA's two events per year for incoming first and second six pupils. They can also run additional events as and when they deem them to be appropriate, such as social events. In recent years they have been responsible for organising our Rule of Law Essay Competition.
Pre-Pupillage Officer
The responsibilities of this role include organising events to help people navigate the various stages of applying for pupillage, including paper applications, interviews, and relevant work experience. You will also lend a supportive ear to those with questions about the process, and need to keep your eye open for opportunities that may benefit them. As the competition for places increases, you will need to be able to support those who intend to continue applying and those who may consider looking at different careers. Primarily you will be required to organise MTYBA's three-part Pupillage Application Programme early in the year in line with the pupillage process. The Pre-Pupillage officer is also responsible for administering MTYBA’s Intern Award. You must be organised and experienced in running events.
Advocacy Officer
Organise the annual 3-round MTYBA advocacy competition in October - December period; organise / assist in other advocacy related events
Diversity and Inclusion Officer
The role of this officer is to promote greater equality and diversity amongst the MTYBA membership, and highlighting key equality, diversity and social mobility issues pertaining to the junior Bar as a whole, including (but not limited to) BAME and LGBTQ individuals, those with disabilities, and of various religions and beliefs. This officer will be expected to run at least two events each year for members promoting equality and diversity issues. Activities may also include participating in wider Inn and Bar-wide initiatives on behalf of MTYBA.
Northern Circuit Chair
To Chair the Northern Sub-Committee of MTYBA. The Northern sub-committee members are nominated by the Chair at the start of the year and approved by the committee. The Northern Circuit Chair will take responsibility for organising events and opportunities for MTYBA members on the Northern Circuit, with the support of the subcommittee and the MTYBA committee, where necessary.
Welsh Circuit Representative
The Welsh Circuit Representative will be the voice on the Committee for the Welsh Circuit, organise events as appropriate to support our members on circuit and encourage engagement in wider MTYBA events.
Western Circuit Representative
The Western Circuit Representative will be the voice on the Committee for the Western Circuit, organise events as appropriate to support our members on circuit and encourage engagement in wider MTYBA events.
North Eastern Circuit Representative
The North Eastern Circuit Representative will be the voice on the Committee for the North Eastern Circuit, organise events as appropriate to support our members on circuit and encourage engagement in wider MTYBA events
For any election-related questions, please contact the Elections Officer at
Best regards,
MTYBA Committee