Juliette Levy (Chair)
Juliette Levy was called in 1992 and practises chancery/commercial and telecommunications law from Cerulean Chambers. She has been a member of the Hall Committee since 2012, was elected Vice-Chair for 2013, 2014 and Chair for 2016 and 2017. Juliette considers it vital that Hall Committee understand the needs and interests of the ordinary members of Middle Temple so it can best serve them. Please feel free to contact her by email at juliette.levy@ceruleanchambers.co.uk or via twitter @JulietteLevy16 |
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Zoe O’Sullivan QC (Vice Chair)
Zoe O'Sullivan QC was called to the Bar in 1993 and took silk in 2015. She has been practising commercial/Chancery law as a tenant at One Essex Court since 1994. Zoe joined the Hall Committee in 2012 and was elected Chair for in 2013-14, and is currently Vice-Chair. She is a full time working mother of three children. Outside work she loves classical music and singing in the Bach Choir. Zoe wants the Hall Committee to be relevant to the 21st century Bar and to serve the needs and interests of its ordinary members. |
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Alistair Wilson QC
Alastair Wilson has been a barrister for far too long, since 1968. He practises mainly in IP with sidelines in privacy and IT, and lectures occasionally at Birkbeck University. He has also been a Recorder (mainly criminal) since 1996. He joined the Hall Committee because he thought that after all these years it was about time he did something useful for the Inn. He is not interested in sport, but enjoys taking clocks to pieces and mending them. |
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Sally Bevan
Sally Bevan was called to the bar in 1982 and after completing a common law pupillage embarked on a career as an in-house lawyer, first in the music business and now in IT. Sally sits on the general committee of BACFI (Bar Association for Commerce, Finance and Industry) and is actively involved in representing the interests of employed barristers and improving their relations with the Inn. |
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Tina Cook QCTina Cook QC was called in Middle Temple in 1988. Tina was privileged to receive several Middle Temple awards as a Student without which she would have struggled financially though Bar School and Pupillage. Tina is now a resident in Middle Temple and Head of Chambers at 42 Bedford Row. She practices in public law child care dealing with difficult factual disputes and acting for Local Authorities, Parents and children. |
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HHJ Euan Ambrose (Judicial Rep) |
HHJ Christine Henson QC
Christine Henson was called to the Bar in 1994 and, after completing 12 months pupillage at William Clegg QC's chambers, was offered tenancy. She remained at 2 Bedford Row in London practicing exclusively in criminal law until a life changing injury in 2000 led to an enforced career break. During her recovery, Christine carried out a number of roles including criminal law lecturer and working as a management consultant in the city. Christine returned to the Bar after the birth of her first child, joining 1 Crown Office Row, where her practice included criminal and regulatory law. Christine was appointed a Recorder in 2012 and after taking silk, was appointed a full time Circuit Judge in 2015. |
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Matthew McDonagh |
Francis McGrath
Francis was called to the Bar in 1995 and is a member of 23 Essex Street. Francis practices criminal law in London and across the Southeast.
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Nikki Singla
Nikki Singla was called to Bar in 2000 and practises from Wilberforce Chambers, specialising in commercial and chancery work. He joined the Middle Temple in 1998 and was awarded the Queen Mother’s Scholarship. |
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Jessica Lee |
Alan BatesAlan was called to the Bar in 2003 and practises at Monckton Chambers, specialising in EU, competition, procurement and public law. He believes that the core mission of the Inns is education and training, and that this is vital if the Bar is to be meritocratic and diverse and to remain true to its claimed values. He is a member of Middle Temple’s Education Committee, and previously served on the Bar Standards Board’s Education & Training Committee, CPD sub-committee, and on its reviews of the BPTC and pupillage stages of training. Prior to commencing practice at the independent Bar, Alan was a tutor in Public Law at King’s College London, worked as a research assistant in the Law Commission’s criminal law team, and was judicial assistant to Lords Bingham and Brown. He is Chair of Governors of a London primary school and is a trustee of the UK Centre for Animal Law. |
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Klentiana MahmutajKlentiana Mahmutaj was called to the Bar in 2005 and practises from Red Lion Chambers, Chambers of Max Hill QC where she specialises in criminal law and international law. As a member of the Hall Committee, she is particularly interested in promoting the Inn’s international role as a vehicle for networking and professional opportunities for its members. |
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James Trumble |
Felicity McMahon
Felicity McMahon was called to the Bar by Middle Temple in 2008 and since 2012 has been a tenant at 5RB specialising in defamation, privacy, data protection, reporting restrictions and related areas of law.
Felicity is also a member of the Membership Committee, and has been involved in organising Middle Temple’s Survive & Thrive Programme. Having benefitted from a Middle Temple scholarship, she is pleased to be able to contribute to the Inn and work for the membership. |
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Karen Reid
Karen was called to the bar in 2010 and practices as a tenant in public law, with a particular focus on immigration, at the 36 Group. Before being elected to hall committee Karen was President of the Middle Temple Young Barrister’s Association and still takes a keen interest in promoting the interests of junior members of the profession.
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Simon Rowbotham |
Will Glover (MTYBA President) |
Shannon Revel
Shannon is a junior tenant at Great James Street Chambers in London specialising in Crime and Extradition. Shannon is a member of the working group responsible for organising the Inn’s Mentoring Scheme which aims to promote supported professional development to barrister members post pupillage. Shannon’s main areas of interest on Hall Committee are in wellbeing at the bar, social mobility and increasing access to the profession to those from non-traditional backgrounds. |
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Lauren Suding
Lauren Suding was called to the Bar in 2015. She practices in a range of areas including in family, housing and employment law at Field Court Chambers. Before she came to the Bar, Lauren spent over 10 years in financial services in the US and UK, as a banker and equity research analyst at JPMorgan in New York and as Executive Director at Oppenheimer in London. Lauren currently serves as Treasurer of the Middle Temple Young Barristers' Association (MTYBA) and previously served as Education & Welfare Officer of the Middle Temple Students' Association (MTSA).
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Jennifer Moles
Jennifer Moles is a Second Six Pupil at Chartlands Chambers in Northampton, practising in Family and Civil law. Prior to commencing pupillage, Jennifer worked as a County Court advocate. She has a particular interest in domestic violence work and have been a Board Member of Women’s Aid in Northampton for the past year. Jennifer additionally works as a volunteer advocate for the Schools Consent Project, delivering workshops to secondary school children on the law surrounding sexual consent. In her spare time, Jennifer loves singing at acoustic nights, making pancakes and organising charity events. |
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Ryan Turner
Ryan joined Middle Temple as an undergraduate student, and was called to the Bar in July 2016. During his BPTC year, Ryan was elected as President of the Middle Temple Students' Association which meant that he sat on several committees of the Inn and was the student representative on the Inn's Amity Visit to Singapore. He is due to commence pupillage at Keating Chambers in September 2017. Like many youthful 20-somethings, Ryan's main interests are gardening, reading, playing snooker and watching horse racing. |
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Emma Hughes (MTSA President)Emma is the President of the MTSA for the 2017/2018 academic year; prioritising support and opportunities for MTSA members to progress in their pursuit of a career at the bar. As a Jules Thorn Scholar, Emma encourages others from humble backgrounds that anything is possible, and the Inn is here to help make aspirations a reality. As a mature student and single mother Emma seeks to encourage others that it is never too late to follow your dreams. Emma is passionate about Women’s Rights and achievements. Striving to raise awareness of issues such as FGM, persecution for academic achievement, and being an advocate for diversity and equality. Emma’s interest in the law was sparked early in life and was fuelled by her time in Africa, learning about the Apartheid and laws such as The Prohibition of Mixed marriages Act 1949. Emma was inspired by Nelson Mandela’s campaign to have the Act repealed, especially as she is of dual heritage. Emma received a 1st class LLB from West London University and is currently studying the BPTC with LLM at BPP Law School. |
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