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Survive and Thrive | Generative AI and You [ONLINE]

Tuesday 29th of April 2025 18:00

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Online via Zoom (joining link will be circulated via email)


Timings (ONLINE):
18:00 - 19:00
(Zoom Meeting ‘room’ will be open from 17:45) Please ensure that you have joined before the event is due to start.

Dress code

Business Attire, Smart Casual

Click here to view further details about Dress Code

Event Details

This event is taking place in person AND will be streamed live. This page is for tickets to attend ONLINE. To book a ticket to attend in person CLICK HERE. We will not be able to admit anyone in person with a virtual ticket.

This Survive & Thrive session will explore the subject of generative AI in barristers' practices:

  • What is generative AI?
  • Why should lawyers care?
  • How can lawyers benefit from it?

We are delighted to welcome as our speakers two Middle Temple Masters of the Bench: Professor David Ormerod CBE KC and The Rt Hon Lord Justice Colin Birss. Please see below for their biographies.

We will host a reception with drinks and nibbles after the session.

Members and students from all four Inns of Court and guests are welcome to attend the event.

Non-Middle Temple members can book by calling the Treasury Office at 020 7427 4800 (line is open weekdays 10:00 – 16:00). Middle Temple members can book through the website. Tickets for this event cost £16 (£11 for students). 

We look forward to seeing you there!

Professor David Ormerod is currently the Law Commissioner for Criminal Law and Evidence.  Prior to his appointment in 2012 he was Professor of Criminal Justice at Queen Mary, University of London and a barrister practising from 18 Red Lion Court, specialising in fraud. He is the editor of the Criminal Law Review.  His publications include Smith and Hogan’s Criminal Law, Smith’s Law of Theft, Blackstone’s Criminal Practice (joint editor with Sir Anthony Hooper), Fraud: Criminal Law and Practice (joint editor).  He lectures and writes regularly for the Judicial College. 

He has written on AI for Counsel magazine, and has addressed the subject of using AI to sift documents while giving oral evidence to a parliamentary select committee.

Lord Justice Colin Birss was standing counsel to the Comptroller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks from 2003 to 2008 and took Silk in 2008.  In October 2010 he was appointed as both the Specialist Circuit Judge of the Patents County Court and the Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal. In 2013 he was appointed to the High Court, Chancery Division. He served as Supervising Judge for the Business and Property Courts on the Midlands, Western and Wales Circuits from 2017-2019 and in 2019 became Judge in Charge of the Patents Court. He was appointed a Lord Justice of Appeal on 25 January 2021 and Deputy Head of Civil Justice from 11 January 2021.

He has spoken publicly on the potential benefits of generative AI, noting his own use of it as a professional tool; it was the first known use of ChatGPT by a British judge to write part of a judgment.

Who can Attend

Members of all four Inns and their guests

Dietary Requirements

Qualifying Session Details

Qualifying Session Details

Further details of the QS Requirements and how to be credited with the QS for this session

Learning Aims

After this session, students should be able to:

  •  Assess the merits of generative AI.
  •  Distinguish between good and bad use of generative AI.
  • Apply the principles discussed during the session to their own use of generative AI.

Links to the Professional Statement, wider workings of the Bar, administration of justice or a public interest matter

2.6 / 4.4

View the BSB's Professional Statement

QS Feedback

If you have any feedback on a QS you have attended or have any suggestions for future sessions, please contact the education department on

Bookings and Cancellations

Unless the event sells out earlier, booking will close at 09:00 on the day of the event. 

Members of Middle Temple can buy tickets online. Please note that you must log in first (if you have not yet created a login please register first). Alternatively, you can buy tickets from the Treasury Office by calling 020 7427 4800.

Members of other Inns, where applicable (please refer to 'Who can Attend'), can buy tickets from the Treasury Office by calling 020 7427 4800. Online booking is not available.

Cancellations: Where we have a waiting list we will offer your ticket to someone else, so please do cancel your ticket if you are no longer able to attend.

Click here to view our Bookings and Cancellation Policies

Disabled Access and Support

If you have questions about accessibility at the Inn or if you would like to request support, please email Laura Hacon.

Religious Support

Middle Temple endeavours to make the Inn as inclusive as possible for all of its members, guests and staff.

If you have questions regarding religious practice at the Inn or at Inn events, or if you would like to request support, please email the Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator Laura Hacon. The Inn endeavours to make reasonable adjustments where possible.

The Inn is committed to improving access to all its services and encourages members to get in touch with suggestions and feedback on how we can improve. If you feel your experience using the website or attending one of our events could be improved, please email Laura. Your suggestions will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Data Protection & Photography

Please be aware that photography, audio and video recording may take place at our events. These may be used for promotional purposes by the Inn, including in printed publications, on our website, and on our social media accounts. If you do not wish to have your photograph taken or to have images of you used, please alert the Membership Team at the start of the event. We are unable to guarantee that you will not be included in the background of photographs that are being taken. Contact: 020 7427 6385, 

All personal data that the Inn stores and processes is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Inn’s Data Protection Policy. You can ask the Inn to stop using your images at any time, or request to see the personal data that the Inn holds on you. For more information please visit the Data Protection page

Times and details for this event are subject to change. Please check this webpage for the most up to date information.