Middle Temple will be opening the Hall and Library on the 17 September between 12 noon and 4pm for tours.
Visitors will have the opportunity to view the historic building, Bench apartments and Library. We will be displaying some of our treasures from the archives, historic pieces and silver. The Library will be open to view our collection of books, along with the rare pair of Molyneux Globes. Middle Temple Library holds approximately 30,000 legal titles in 250,000 volumes, including legislation, case law, textbooks, student manuals, loose-leaf publications, journals and law reports.
Middle Temple hall dates back to 1574, was visited by Queen Elizabeth I and hosted the first performance of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night - it has the most impressive and original double hammerbeam roof remaining in the UK.
Entry is free and will be on a queuing system for the Hall, Bench Apartments and Library.
Viewing of the Library can be done seperately to Hall.
Hall capaciry is 250 people
Library capacity is 150 people