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Digital Collections

We have a small but growing collection of digitised books. Currently these consist of rare books which are unique to our collection.

These books are available to download below and are provided under the Creative Commons licence.

Bibliotheca illustris Medii Templi Societatis

Sir Bartholomew Shower


The first printed catalogue of the Library’s holdings. It was commissioned by Sir Bartholomew Shower, Treasurer of the Inn in 1700. 

See catalogue record

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Bukvar' iazyka slavenska


The first printed source of the Belarusian language, this is a primer of Church Slavonic produced by a monastery in Ev’e (or Vievis), Lithuania. 

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Carmen nuptiale nobiliis. doctiss. prudentissimoque sponso D. Cornelio vander Milen provincialis Hollandiae senatus praesidis silio

Henricus Nicolaes Mouthaen


This is the only recorded copy of this poetical work listed in the Heritage of the Printed Book database. 

See catalogue record

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De Adiaphoris

Gabriel Powel


Printed in London by Robert Barker in 1606 and is bound in a manuscript leaf from the Tables of Toulouse, dated to the 15th century.

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          Discours ou est descrit au vray, l'estat du roy d'Espainge

          The only recorded copy of this work, whose author may be Jean de Prantinhac. 


          It was printed in Montauban by an anonymous printer. 

          See catalogue record

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Examen de la composicion theriacal de Andromacho

Liano Licenciado


Another unique copy of a work on poisons and antidotes, with evidence of ownership by Robert Ashley

See catalogue record

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Flor de Virtudes


Flor de v[ir]tudes nueuamente corregido, Caragoça, 1539. A unique copy of this medieval conduct of life work printed in Zaragoza.

See catalogue record

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Marqués de Santillana, Los proverbios

Iñigo López de Mendoza


A book of didactic poems written at the request of Juan II for his son the prince Enrique IV; a unique copy not recorded in other collections

See catalogue record

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Protestation du serenissime et tres-haut Prince et seigneur Charles Louys Comte Palatin du Rhin, Archidapiferi & Prince Electeur du S. Empire, Duc de Baviere, &c

Karl Ludwig, Elector Palatine


We are awaiting confirmation from the editors of the English Short Title Catalogue to confirm that this is an unrecorded, unique item. It was printed in London by Anne Griffin, in 1637

See catalogue record

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