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The Hon Mr Justice Pang JA

Full Title: The Hon Mr Justice Pang JA
Category: Ordinary Bencher
Bench Call Date: 21.9.2018
Call Date: 24.7.1986

1982-85 LL.B. (Hons), University of East Anglia, 1985-86 Inns of Court School of Law; 1988-90 Master of Public Administration, University of Hong Kong; 1991-95 LL.B., Peking University, People's Republic of China. 1986 Called to the Bar, Middle Temple; 1987 Called to the Bar, Hong Kong. 1987-97 Legal Department, Hong Kong Government (1987-89 Crown Counsel, 1989-93 Senior Crown Counsel, 1993-96 Acting Assistant Principal Crown Counsel, 1996-97 Deputy Principal Crown Counsel); 1997-2000 Deputy Principal Government Counsel, Department of Justice; 2000-2009 District Judge, Hong Kong Judiciary; 2009-2015 Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court; 2015- Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the High Court.