Roll of Honour
BPTC Awards
Queen Mother Scholarships
- Annabel Barrons
- Elizabeth Boulden
- Luke Browne
- Robert Dunn
- Shannon Farrelly-Treanor
- Ruaraidh Fitzpatrick
- Roseanna Lagram-Taylor
- Thomas Lowenthal
- Ralph Morley
- Aleksandra Nelia
- Julian Ranetunge
- Shaylla Shabbir
- Juliet Stevens
- Joseph Tomlinson
- John Williams
- Amy Woolfson
- Jennifer Youngs
Duke & Duchess of Cambridge Scholarships
- Natalie Cargill
- Joannitah Kabera
Diana, Princess of Wales Scholarship
- Anita Dowman
Astbury Scholarships
- Rebecca Butler
- Thomas Morris
- James Shaw
- Kathleen Shields
- Sarah Wilmshurst
Diplock Scholarships
- Sophia Baig
- Jon-Selous Borlace
- Amanda Bottomley
- Katherine Macleod
- Oliver Small
Harmsworth Scholarships
- Emma Cross
- Lawren Dobson
- Michael Gadd
- Adam Gulliver
- Jack Horlock
- Matthew Knowles
- Diana Miller
- Faisal Muhammed
- Aaliah Muhmood
- Thomas Richardson
- Bethenie Sadler
- Lorna Secker
- Lesley Stevens
- Minal Supri
- Scott Willey
- Sarah Woodall
Jules Thorn Scholarships
- Sarah Bennett
- Cristina Cozma
- Daniel Grutters
- Annelise Johns
- Sophie Kay
- Symone Lawson
- Aphra Mcleod Bruce-Jones
- Benjamin Millward
- Anaum Riaz
- Dale Timson
Individual named awards
- Atkin Chambers Scholarship, Christopher Bates
- Blackstone Award, Alice Francis
- Brick Court Scholarship, Andrew Pope
- Christopher Benson Scholarship, Kavita Sandhu
- Connor Scholarship, Andrew Horner
- Cunningham Award, Ian McDonald
- Gardiner Scholarship, James Robertson
- Godfrey Heilpern Memorial Prize, Helen Longworth
- H. R. Light Bursary, Ashley Collins
- HH Paul Clark Scholarship, William Charlesworth
- Hubert Monroe Scholarship, Samuel Peake
- J. B. Montagu Award, Nirvan Gopalan-Krishnan
- Jamieson Award, Bethan Hall
- Jerry Parthab Singh Scholarship, Amy Oke
- Joseph Jackson Award, Emma Heath
- Leolin Price QC Scholarship, Miriam Manning
- Lord Lowry Scholarship, Joshua Purser
- Luboshez Award, Christopher Fleming
- Malcolm Wright Award, Ruth Broadbent
- Mona de Piro Prize, Hannah Thomas
- Pump Court Tax Chambers Scholarship, Jamie Hill
- Quatercentenary Scholarship, Emily Lanham
- Readers' Scholarship, Hannah Larsen
- Robert Garraway Rice Award, Kate Newson
- Rose Scholarship, Thomas Griffiths
- Rosina Hare Scholarship, Tara-Lynn Poole
- Safford Award, Salmaan Hassanally
- Sir Joseph Cantley Memorial Prize, Daniel Scott
- Sir Robert Micklethwait Memorial Award, Rachael Glover
- Stanley Levy Memorial Award, Georgina Griggs
- State School Award, Thomas Beamont
- Terence Fitzgerald Award, Jacqueline Dankyi
- The 3 - 4 South Square Scholarship, Reece Lewis
- Winston Churchill Award, Usman Qureshi
GDL Awards
Queen Mother Scholarships
- Hugo Bell
- Joshua Happe
- Philip Judd
Diplock Scholarships
- Nicola Barnett
- John-Paul McCarthy
Harmsworth Scholarship
- Samuel Hartman
Astbury Scholarship
- Philip Hughes
- Frederica Onslow
- Rachel Schon
- Leora Taratula-Lyons
Jules Thorn Scholarship
- Farhana Daly
- Emily Heggadon
Benefactors Scholarship
- Christopher Bevan
Entrance Exhibitions
- Nicola Barnett
- Annabel Barrons
- Hugo Bell
- Sarah Bennett
- Amanda Bottomley
- Elizabeth Boulden
- Luke Browne
- Rebecca Butler
- Cristina Cozma
- Emma Cross
- Hannah Daly
- Anita Dowman
- Robert Dunn
- Shannon Farrelly-Treanor
- Salmaan Hassanally
- Jamie Hill
- Andrew Horner
- Philip Hughes
- Symone Lawson
- Helen Longworth
- Katherine Macleod
- John-Paul McCarthy
- Yvonne McCorriston
- Benjamin Millward
- Ralph Morley
- Aaliah Muhmood
- Aleksandra Nelia
- Kate Newson
- Usman Qureshi
- James Robertson
- Laura Shepherd
- Minal Supri
- Leora Taratula-Lyons
- Joseph Tomlinson
- John Williams