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Murder of a Middle Templar: why did Sir Thomas Overbury die?

Monday 29th of July 2024 18:00

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Middle Temple Library


17:45 - Doors Open
18:00 - Event starts
20:00 - Finish

Dress code

Smart Casual

Event Details

The Library is hosting a talk entitled Murder of a Middle Templar: why did Sir Thomas Overbury die? at 6pm on Monday 29 July by Jackie Watson (Somerville College Oxford). Dr. Watson has a new book out, Epistolary Courtiership and Dramatic Letters: Thomas Overbury and the Jacobean Playhouse, that considers the letters surrounding the career of Middle Temple law student, Sir Thomas Overbury, at the court of James VI and I, and what led to his death in the Tower of London in 1613.  

In her talk, she will look at key ideas in the book.  How much legal power did James VI and I actually have over his subjects?  How easy was Jacobean social climbing?  How important was friendship between men, if you intended to do succeed in Jacobean England?  

Who can Attend

Middle Temple members

Dietary Requirements

Qualifying Session Details

Please note that this is NOT a Qualifying Session.

Bookings and Cancellations

The event is free, and will be jointly held with Somerville College and places are limited; these will be issued to members of Middle Temple on a first-come, first-served basis.  Please book by contacting the Library:, 020 7427 4830.  There will be a drinks reception after the talk. 

Disabled Access and Support

If you have questions about accessibility at the Inn or if you would like to request support, please email Laura Hacon.

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Data Protection & Photography

Please be aware that photography, audio and video recording may take place at our events. These may be used for promotional purposes by the Inn, including in printed publications, on our website, and on our social media accounts. If you do not wish to have your photograph taken or to have images of you used, please alert the Library Team at the start of the event. We are unable to guarantee that you will not be included in the background of photographs that are being taken. Contact: 

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Times and details for this event are subject to change. Please check this webpage for the most up to date information.