The Inns Conduct Committee (ICC) are the overarching body appointed by The Council of the Inns of Court to consider matters of general policy, and processes to do with the applicants for admission to an Inn and student members in determining whether they are fit and proper persons to represent the profession.
The relevant rules, including ICC rules and BSB Guidelines for determining if a person is for fit and proper can be found here - Rules relating to the Inns' Conduct Committee - The Bar Tribunal and Adjudication Services.
The ICC deals with any declared matters on behalf of all four Inns. This process can take several weeks/months, depending on when the next ICC Screening Panel are meeting. Should your case be referred to a Hearing Panel, this will extend the time it takes for an outcome.
Screening Panel FAQs Hearing Panel FAQs
Until the Inn receives a final outcome from the ICC as to whether or not you are fit and proper, any application (whether for admission or Call to the Bar) will remain pending and cannot be progressed.
The ICC will usually require the following documents. These will be requested by the Inn who will then refer the case to the ICC.
1. A signed statement from yourself outlining the particulars of the matter. Provide as much detail as possible including the date on which the matter happened, your age at that time, and any relevant background, circumstances and insights following the matter.
2. Any relevant documents you wish the screening panel to take into consideration, these may include the below but is not an exhaustive list. Please read the BSB Guidelines to help identify any documentation you may need.
Cat 1 (Crime) Evidence:
- Court papers
- Sentencing remarks
- Conviction papers
- Probation reports/rehabilitation documents
Cat 2 (Other - Medical) Evidence:
- Medical reports
- GP letter/s
- Any relevant rehabilitation information
Cat 2 (Other - Bankruptcy/Financial) Evidence:
- Certificate of bankruptcy
- Director disqualification documentation
- IVA documentation
- Credit check
- Confirmation of completion/current debt status
Cat 2 (Other - Relevant Order) Evidence:
- Court papers
- Any relevant rehabilitation documents
Cat 3 (Academic History) Evidence:
- Plagiarism/‘Turnitin’ report
- Any correspondence with the Academic body regarding disciplinary process and findings
- Evidence of any appeal against the decision
Cat 4 (Regulatory History) Evidence:
- Report from regulatory body
- Evidence of any appeal against the decision.
3. Current CV
4. At least two-character references from independent professionals 'who know the individual well including a statement that the referee knows the purpose for which the reference is provided'.
The references must include a signed statement that the referee knows the purpose for which the reference is provided. Beyond the requirement for a signed statement as to the purpose of the reference, there is no requirement as to what the reference should contain. However, the applicants and students should be aware that a reference which, on its face, records (a) the referee's awareness of any matters disclosed which might suggest that the applicant or student is not a fit and proper person and (b) the referee's evaluation of those matters when reaching the conclusion stated in the reference, may be accorded greater weight by the ICC.
If you are unable to provide any of the listed information you will need to provide the reasons why and any steps you have taken to obtain them.