The following is a selection of sources of information about the institutions, legislation and case law of the European Union itself and portals, gateways and databases which include information from a number of Members States.
Archive of European Integration (AEI) Research materials on the topic of European integration and unification, including official European Community and European Union documents. Managed by the University of Pittsburgh.
CURIA The European Court of Justice's database of cases reported in the European Court Reports from 1954 onwards, including all current cases.
EFTA Court Database of cases heard in the European Free Trade Association Court which has jurisdiction with regard to States which are parties to the European Economic Area Agreement (at present Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway).
EU Bookshop An online bookshop, library and archive of EU publications dating back to 1952. PDF and e-book versions are free of charge. To obtain a hardcopy of certain titles, you may have to pay a small fee.
EUR-Lex The official database of European Union law, including full-text access to the Official Journal of the European Union, preparatory acts and international agreements.
EUROPA The official website of the European Union provides basic information on how the EU works, the latest EU news and events as well as links to EU information on the websites of EU institutions and agencies.
European Judicial Network (EJN) Information and contacts for international judicial cooperation in criminal matters, information about national systems and drafting a European Arrest Warrant.
European Legal Database on Drugs Reports, news, legal texts and country profiles on drugs-related legislation from EU Member States and Norway. Developed by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addictions.
European Patent Office Information about applying for a patent, news, training and a searchable database of European and worldwide patent registers.
European Sources Online EU and Member State information and sources. Maintained by Cardiff University’s European Documentation Centre.
FIND-eR A public access catalogue allowing searches of the European Commission Library collections, including e-resources. Formerly known as ECLAS.
HUDOC Database of judgments and decisions of cases heard before the European Court of Human Rights.
IATE (InterActive Terminology for Europe) The EU’s inter-institutional terminology database. An authoritative source for translating legal terminology into other languages.
IPEX: Interparliamentary EU Information Exchange Platform for exchange of information between national and European parliaments.
N-Lex Portal providing access to legislation, official journals and national databases of EU Member States.
NATLEX Database of national labour, social security and human rights legislation maintained by the International Labour Organization. Browse by country to narrow search to relevant EU Member States.
National Decisions Selected EU Member State case law from 1959 to the present with relevance to the EU as a whole.
Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union Search engine of national case law from the majority of EU Member States.
Portal Internet Law Library (Portill) Access to Dutch, European and international law. Created in collaboration by several Dutch Universities.
Register of documents for the European Commission, European Parliament, and the Council of the European Union. You can also look at the Comitology Register to find “unpublished” information which is not on the EUROPA website.
Search EUROPA Search engine for the official website of the European Union, EUROPA. This was set up by the European Journalism Centre and provides a superior search tool to the Europa website. Also searches Eur-Lex.
Unalex A portal to international and EU law with searchable cases, commentary, legislation and other legal materials. Maintained as an additional resource with the subscription-only academic journal European Legal Forum to host legal information about private international law and international civil procedure.
World Legal Materials from Europe Gateway to national laws, including constitutions, legislation and selected decisions from Constitutional or Supreme Courts. Maintained by Cornell University Law School Legal Information Institute.